วันเสาร์ที่ 11 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

How many health insurance policies written in USA in 2007 or 2006?

We understand that 49 million plus Americans do not have health insurance. There is individual and there is family insurance. Therefore, if 300 million Americans and 50 do not have health insurance then 250 million do. Were 250 million policies written?

Well, your numbers are off. About 42 million PEOPLE here in the US have no health insurance, and about HALF of them aren't Americans. So you're looking at about 21,000,000 Americans. HALF of them are uninsured by choice. They don't WANT the health insurance.

No, there aren't 250 million policies written. The vast, vast majority of Americans are covered by group health plans. My husband's employer has ONE policy, which covers over 3,000 employees, AND THEIR FAMILIES. Maybe, 15,000 people total.

No one collects the number of policies there are in force. It's too vast a project, and every day, the number changes.

Most of the 10mil that want it and can't afford it, it's not really about affording - it's about them already having pre-existing conditions, and no health insurer wants them. You have to buy the health insurance BEFORE stuff goes wrong. Like the lottery. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20080604192758AAW8lfb&kid=Ec19WWe4U2RZCU5xwFLAda4tVLz4lY8Y4mGjrVXduZIrKyNQpnuf&s=comm&date=2008-06-05+12%3A48%3A49&.crumb=

วันศุกร์ที่ 10 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

What health insurance would offer the best coverage for rhinoplasty/septoplasty?

I'm having rhinoplasty. Health insurance should cover some of it since I'm going to correct a deviated septum for breathing problems. Anyone know what health insurance plan/s provides the most coverage for this procedure. I live in southern CA. Thanks.

A surgery like that will cost lots of money.. so you'll definitely want to search EVERY health plan..

You'll want to know what the pro's and con's are of each service...

I had neck surgery 2 or 3 weeks ago..

this is the site i used:


If the procedure is medically necessary, it should be covered as would any other illness or injury. If it is only for cosmetic reasons, it won't be covered. Ask your doctor if (s)he can help you sell it as medically necessary. Then call your insurance company and ask for a pre-approval of the procedure.

Good luck



วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

What is a discount health insurance plan for self employed in California who is an Urban Planner?

I know that certain trade organizations offer discount health insurance under group rates if you join. However, I am unaware of any groups for a person who is self employed as an expeditor--a person who works in the urban planning field filing cases. He pays a exhoribant monthy premium for his health insurance.

This site has helped me. Great savings!


Good luck to you!

วันพุธที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

How can i tell if my health insurance benefits are pre taxed?

Keep in mind, your health insurance premiums can't be deducted if they're taken out of your paycheck as pre-tax dollars. However, after-tax health insurance premiums are deductible, but they still are subject to a limitation of 7.5% of your AGI. If you're self-employed, you may deduct a portion of your health insurance premiums as an adjustment. The self-employed deductible portion is 100% in 2007.

Ask your employer. They will tell you. Actually they should provide a form for you to sign every year verifying your benefit selections and how you want to have your healthcare premiums treated.

Nearly all healthcare insurance through a job are part of a Section 125 plan and are deducted pre-tax. You generally have the option to pay them with tax paid dollars but I'm at a loss to explain how that could be beneficial to anyone.

If you have to ask your employer, your pay statements are NOT well designed. MY pay statement has 3 sections under deductions: Pre-Tax Deductions, Taxes, and Other deductions. Which section is your insurance deduction under? If that doesn't help, you will have to ask your employer. You mentioned self-employment. If you are self employed and need to ask, you NEED an accountant DESPERATELY.

OKay, it's nice that you read a publication somewhere (it made for a funny looking question since you quoted from the pub).

When you get your W-2, look at box 14, many companies list the amount of health care benefits there. Also Compare the amount in box 2 (your wages for social security purposes) and the amount shown as ytd wages on your last paycheck stub. If your health care was pre-tax, the amount in box 2 will be LESS than the YTD wages on the paycheck.

Boston--Pre-tax health care lowers your social security earnings. This *will* ultimately reduce the monthly payment one receives from SSA. It *may* also affect how pension payments are paid out. I happen to be a devout saver--anything I don't pay as taxes now, I save. My savings should be enough to compensate for any loss in benefits.

The quick estimator at the SSA web site (plugging in $40,000 and 41,500 as the annual income with pre and post tax dollars) shows about a $30 difference in monthly benefits.

At the 15% tax bracket, someone would pay $20/month more in tax now.

If FERS uses the $40,000 number for retirement (assuming 20 years government service) , that would be another $25 a month as well.

วันอังคารที่ 7 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

What health insurance is best and affordable for my wife?

We had a baby 3 months ago, but I am looking for health insurance that is good and affordable for my wife. Any suggestions?

Yea it sucks how our health-care system hasn't caught up yet. It makes me furious. Anyhow, I've heard Blue Cross/Blue Shield is good and I believe it's the most inexpensive. I had Cigna for a while and that was good. Health-Net is pretty good only if you don't have any pre-existing conditions otherwise they really raise the premium. Look into Eatna as well. I've heard there a little more pricier in comparison to the others but I've also heard that they seem to cover more.


Unfortunately this is not a quick answer. There are some things to consider:

If buying insurance in the the private insurance market there are many different types of plans. There are several questions that you will want to ask before selecting a plan:

1) Will I need my wife's plan to cover maternity for future babies? Some plans cover maternity, some do not.

2) How much premium can I afford to pay every month?

3) If something major should happen to my wife, what would be the maximum that I could afford to pay. (This will help determine the deductible of the plan that you'll pick)

There are wesbites available that will allow you to look at plans from several carriers (Blue Cross vs. Health Net vs. Aetna, etc) and compare benefits and premiums. A site like this could be helpful in your research.

The typical rule of thumb will be that the higher monthly premium you pay for a plan, the better or "richer" the benefits will be. That is a trade off that applies accross all carriers for the most part. Have you wife think about how much she used her health plan in a "typical" year. (i.e., non maternity year) This can help you pick a plan that will not having you paying for services you don't need, but will provide the coverage that you and your wife want.

Good luck!

Kathy K


There is no possible way for us to answer this. Health insurance (if you are not able to get in on a group insurance plan through work) is based on previous health history. You should NEVER LIE on these. Because we don't know your wife's health background, we can't give you an answer. ALL companies charge based on history, sex, and smoking.


You seem to not really know a lot about this subject, so you are going to want to get someone to help you understand what all the termanology is so that you don't make a costly mistake. If you are married, most every employer will allow you to add both your wife and your dependant (your child). This will be at a MUCH lower cost than buying something seperate. If you are NOT married, many states have rights for opposite sex domestic partners on their insurance plans. If YOU are working, go to your HR department and speak with your "Benifits Coordinator" to ask all the questions you need to ask. They are there to help!

Leave America. France, England, Germany, Switzerland, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand...actually most of the developed countries in the world have good health insurance but it is not available in the US because...well ask the insurance companies why not.

In general, these days (21st century) the best is a combination of a HSA plan extremely high deductible and MySimpleCard for the everyday dr's visits. Best overall coverage for the buck as a combination. Give us more details and we can help more specifically.

วันจันทร์ที่ 6 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Are health insurance premiums that I pay and are deducted from my paycheck paid with after-tax dollars?

My health insurance is through my employer but I have to pay part of the premium and it is deducted from my paycheck each pay period. I am filing my taxes and am being asked if the premiums are paid for with after-tax dollars. Any answers?

Premiums are tax deductable as a part of your medical expenses if you are filing long form. You add up every co-pay you made to doctors, hospitals, and prescriptions and the total cost you paid for these premiums and then you get a percent of that total back on your taxes. Anything that you paid for any type of health care is deductable as long as you have a receipt (or in the case of health premiums you pay) they are on the W2.

No, if your insurance is deducted from your paycheck it is paid before taxes. The question is referring to people who purchase insurance individually outside of work.

It could be either way depending on what kind of plan your employer has set up.

Your pay stub should have a break down of what went where.

Taxes are usually taken out first thing, then other things such as credit union, health ins. and so on.

Medical expenses, including ins. are deductible IF they exceed a certain % of you income (long form).

And simple enough, you may be able to ask your employer or someone that does payroll. (Hope you get a refund:)

You should be able to tell from your pay statements. If you can't, ask your employer.

They are with after-tax dollars unless you are participating in a section 125 plan or the like.

I pay mine with pre-tax dollars because my employer gives me that oppurtunity. It actually says on my paystub that the amount taken from me was pre-tax. If it doesn't state it on your paystub, you'd have to ask whomever does the payroll at your place of business to confirm how the deductions were taken from you.

You should be able to get that information from your HR/company. A lot of companies have what they call a "cafeteria plan" which pays your insurance first then the rest of the income is taxed.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

What would happen to health insurance companies if government take over the health insurance system?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard that Obama is trying to push a public health system that will allow everybody to have health insurance no matter what pre existing conditions he or she may have.

If this is reached, what would happen to insurance carriers like Blue Cross, Blue Shield? Will we need these companies and health insurance agents?

They would definitely shrink, but they would still be around. Look at Medicare, they have supplement polices which the individual has to pay. If you think the government is going to pay for Heart surgery, Cancer treatment, you're in for a rude awakening.

If they wanted to become a participating payor in the government plan they would have to agree to the payment formulary outlined by the government. For the companies that chose to go along with the government plan, you'd end up seeing a whole lot more HMO type plans available and the PPO plans would pretty much go away. Those that didn't participate as payors under the government's terms would pass their extra costs on to the consumer purchasing the insurance. If doctors are given an option to participate, they'll refuse to accept the government plans and will jack up their costs to private pay insurance clients (the same as many are doing with Medicaid today). If it's all nationalized and we fall under one payor, just take a look at how Medicaid works today and that's what you'll get. Doctors will also close up shop. Demand will be high and supply of qualified health care professionals will be low.

Edit - Another thing to consider is that there will be unanticipated levels of enrollment if they leave multiple payors in place and only have the government plan for those whose employers don't offer coverage. Larger businesses will be required to offer insurance, but businesses with few employees won't. Those small businesses that are offering it now will stop. Their employees will then become dependent on the government health care system. My mom's a small business owner and pays part of her employee's insurance costs now. I can assure you that if this kicks in she'll drop it. She's having a hard enough time keeping her doors open as it is and that would save her a ton. This is exactly what happened when Hawaii went to their plan to insure all children in the state. People dropped their private insurance and used the state insurance. The program lasted for about 6-7 months before the state couldn't afford it any more.

@ bob k - If you think the greedy insurance companies are bad about determining what care you will and will not receive, wait until the government decides that for you. Ask any Medicaid patient about how much say they or their doctors have in the care that they receive, and you'll love your greedy insurance company.

It will just be more people out of work and on the Obama welfare roles if he is able to put public health insurance out of business, like he is trying to. As Obama comes out with more of his spending plans, it is painfully obvious that his goal is to destroy public businesses and cause Americans to be forced out of work and onto his welfare roles.

Currently the way we ration health care is via the health insurance industry. Those who can't afford insurance go without. Those who can afford insurance, have profit motivated employees decided which treatments will be covered.

Medical dollars could be spent much more efficiently without the profit motive. Just as out of business brokers and bankers are now becoming federal bank auditors (from NPR yesterday) so could current health insurance experts move into the government and work FOR the people instead of against them.

We'd see the end of tobacco companies. Alcohol and the snack food industry would be out on a short leash as they should be.

Companies that are detrimental to health should pay for the medical expenses in their entirety. Republicans should agree as they are always screaming about being responsible and accountable.

Why should we pay for the damages inflicted by the tobacco industry? They make profit from their victims and we pick up their tab for the damages they caused. Give me a break.

Being a doctor will no longer be an economically suitable job. Therefore, med students or med student hopefuls and current doctors will begin to pursue other professions. So people who need medical attention will still pay for it through taxes, and they'll get a lesser quality of care.

Kind of a lose-lose situation, if you ask me.

And it increases dependency on the government... And it gives illegals, who DON'T pay their taxes, free health care - meaning we get to pay for them if they break a leg, even though they're here breaking our laws.

Make that a lose-lose-lose-lose situation.

From my limited knowledge of the USA system I'd say that nothing much would change. The state health system would become a bit better and private health systems would continue to operate just like they operate now.

There's no need to reinvent the wheel. If you need further answers, just look at all the other countries that went through it already and see what happened there. You can see Canada, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Cuba, in fact I think everyone else I can think of.

From John B to John A: Most of these health care partners would fall under heavy pressure and would either merge to form one central health care conglomerate or they would wither away due to the universal aspect of health care that Obama is trying to implement. Best believe that people would still continue to put their trust in the private health sector.

Nothing would happen. Obama's plan is an option, not a mandate.

It is only available to those that are not offered health ins. through their employer, or those that can't afford high cost insurance.

The HMO's will stop making their trillions of dollars. A doctor will decide what care is needed instead of some CEO at Blue Cross making 40 million a year. The drug companies will have to stop ripping us off too. Good question.

To all you racists: Barack will fix this bushed up economy and George will be found guilty of war crimes.

If there is a "public" system, there would be no need for insurance companies in the health care area. The people employed by the insurance companies would have to get an other job, like selling automobiles or real estate.

They will cease to exist as what happens when the government becomes a player in the market instead of an arbiter. We get to watch the government simultaneously regulate the health care back into the Stone Age while eliminating the competition.

It's called Universal Health Care, where everyone is insured.

It's amazing, you actually get doctors making the decisions for you instead of the greedy business CEOs of the insurance agencies.

well... I mean the gov. will need A LOT of people that do the same jobs that people do for these insurance companies...

not all but many...

the sales people would be the ones that were really hurt... no need to try and sale, if the gov. has mandates...

They will still be around but they will become unofficial government agencies controlled by beaurocrats just like the one that run the DMV, exciting isn’t it.

If everyone is guaranteed coverage then you don't need insurance industries. It would solve the issue of insurance lobbying.

they will close down and add to the jobless people in america plus the landslide it would do to the financial market when they go belly up

It would turn into a mess. Many people would loose their jobs & more big government would be created.

Bob K: I think you are delusional

Blue Cross would be a thing of the past, as would quality health care.

They become government workers.

cuts out the middleman.

How the heck can you defend a multi BILLION dollar industry that produces NOTHING.

It would be screwed up just like everything else they touch

We will go to Mexico to get Health Care.

Government can't even fix our roads. What do you think?

A single payer health care system would replace all the health insurers. They would all have to go find work elsewhere. This would result in billions of dollars in savings.

the 3500+ health insurers each have their own billing requirements that tie doctors and hospitals up in red tape and has spawned a 5 billion dollar medical billing industry. That would all be replaced by a single billing standard - saving the system nearly 5 billion dollars per year.

Since there will be one source for insurance, all doctors, hospitals, and specialists will be "in the network", resulting in greatly expanded choice for people who otherwise are restricted by HMOs and PPOs.

Everyone will be insured, so there will be no incentive for waiting until the medical condition is in crisis. This will result in far less use of ERs (the most expensive form of care). Thus, ERs will be freed up so they can concentrate on those who really need emergency care. This will result in faster ER responses and billions of dollars in cost savings.

Once insurance companies no longer interfere with yours and your doctors decisions, the quality of care should increase dramatically.

As far as I've seen, nobody has mentioned reducing doctor pay. And I hope they never do. But even if they did, it would not result in fewer doctors. Where would they go? It's not as if they can go anywhere else in the world to get the kind of pay they get here. Even at reduced rates, they still would be the best paid in the world.

Those thieves and cheaters will be out of business.

วันเสาร์ที่ 4 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

How to get health insurance for Dubai visit visa?

Hi, I am planning to bring my husb and kid on visit visa. I heard that the health insurance is mandatory for visit visa. Where (or how) to get (or how to apply) this health insurance for vist visa. Please advice. Thanks.

Check your domestic health insurance (if any) and bank (if you have a "premium" type account); the might include travel insurance.

If not, try the people who you buy home/car/pet insurance from; they might offer you travel insurance at a reduced rate.

In the UK, the Post Office usually has the best deals on travel insurance, but I don't know how common this practice is in the rest of the world.

First make sure that your current health insurance plan does not cover you internationally. Most Blue Cross Blue Shield ( http://www.RxMom.com/BlueCross/ ) do actually have overseas benefits.

Next visit http://www.rxmom.com/travel to get very affordable Travel Insurance Plans that include hospitalization and emergency evacuation and trip interruption benefits.

You have many choices so please make sure to select the plan that meets the requirements of the visa authority and your length of stay( You may want more benefits than they require, just for your own protection)

วันศุกร์ที่ 3 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

What affordable health insurance would you recommend for my uninsured 21 year old daughter?

She works full time but her employer charges an outrageous amount of money for health insurance. I know there are many many young people who don't have health insurance, mostly because of the cost of high insurance premiums. But my daughter really needs it cause she has some health issues that will stay with her for a lifetime.

this link will help uhttp://www.archive.org/details/healthcarecovera00unit

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 2 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Am I able to write off Health Insurance Premiums for tax purposes at the end of the year?

I am looking to purchase my own health insurance instead of going through my company. I know that the company takes out the cost on a pre-tax basis, but their insurance is not the greatest. If I do decided to sign up for health insurance, will I be able to use the cost of my own health insurance as a deduction fo tax purposes?

You may deduct qualified medical expenses you pay for yourself, your spouse, and your dependents, including a person you claim as a dependent under a Multiple Support Agreement. You can also deduct medical expenses you paid for someone who would have qualified as your dependent for the purpose of taking personal exemptions except that the person did not meet the gross income or joint return test.

You deduct medical expenses on Form 1040, Schedule A (PDF), Itemized Deductions. The total of all allowable medical expenses must be reduced by 7.5% of your Adjusted Gross Income. For more information, refer to Publication 502, Medical and Dental Expenses.

If you asked specifically about insurance, why did you pick the only answer that did not mention insurance as 'Best Answer'? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20060830144416AAR4QcJ&kid=Tcd8CDC6VTmt7dAqXOYsATV0oCpcZJBiiukVJtFimKod0TaCsmGO&s=comm&date=2006-08-31+15%3A57%3A05&.crumb=

If you talk to your accountant,. he can explain it fully.

Basically, you can deduct medical & dental expenses, insurance premiums, medical related travel, as part of yout itemized deduxtions. If you don't itemize, you're out of luck.

Health insurance is not deductible for individuals unless done through a Section 125 plan. Even in that case, you can't deduct the expense, you can only pay for it with pre-tax dollars.

The following paragraph is taken from an IRS publication regarding Itemized Deductions.

Medical expenses include insurance premiums paid for accident and health or qualified long-term care insurance. You may not deduct insurance premiums for life insurance, for policies providing for loss of wages because of illness or injury, or policies that pay you a guaranteed amount each week for a sickness. In addition, the deduction for a qualified longâ€"term care insurance policy's premium is limited. Refer to Publication 502 , Medical and Dental Expenses.

Your medical and dental expense on your itemized deduction schedule is reduced by 7.5% of your adjusted gross income. Your pretax health coverage through your employer is in effect 100% tax free(as if you deduct the full amount). Hence your tax savings will be greater through your employer provided plan even if you itemize on schedule A.

I think so

Yes. Ins premium, doctor visits, prescription drugs, contact lenses, and necessarily surgery or purchases are deductible. Over the counter drugs and unnecessarily surgery like boob jobs are not.

You add them all up, substract any medical reimb and thats your medical tax deduction. but it is limited to 7.5% of your Adjusted Gross Income (which is your income - adjustments), so if you make too much money you most likely cant take the benefit.

If you want to save more money, add in you over the counter drugs.

วันพุธที่ 1 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

What is the difference between Health Insurance and Health care Program?

Is it OK to have just the health care program and not have the Health Insurance Plan? I can get Health care program for half the monthly premium as compared to the Health Insurance Plan. Please advise? Is it advisable?

A "health care program" is usually a maintenance program - it doesn't usually cover "major medical" issues, such as you coming down with cancer. But you'll have to read the fine print on the program itself, to see what is and is not covered. THEN you have to figure out which doctors work in the program, and how long/hard it is to get in to see them.

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