Well, your numbers are off. About 42 million PEOPLE here in the US have no health insurance, and about HALF of them aren't Americans. So you're looking at about 21,000,000 Americans. HALF of them are uninsured by choice. They don't WANT the health insurance.
No, there aren't 250 million policies written. The vast, vast majority of Americans are covered by group health plans. My husband's employer has ONE policy, which covers over 3,000 employees, AND THEIR FAMILIES. Maybe, 15,000 people total.
No one collects the number of policies there are in force. It's too vast a project, and every day, the number changes.
Most of the 10mil that want it and can't afford it, it's not really about affording - it's about them already having pre-existing conditions, and no health insurer wants them. You have to buy the health insurance BEFORE stuff goes wrong. Like the lottery. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20080604192758AAW8lfb&kid=Ec19WWe4U2RZCU5xwFLAda4tVLz4lY8Y4mGjrVXduZIrKyNQpnuf&s=comm&date=2008-06-05+12%3A48%3A49&.crumb=
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