A lot depends on your personal situation and what state you live in.
Generally though you will want to stick with a large and trustworthy company like a United Healthcare, Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, etc.
Shop around and compare quotes from at least 3 companies to find the best rate. Here is some more info on some thing you should know when looking for self employed health insurance:
Finally, someone who is thinking clearly! I am an insurance agent myself and I don't recommend you going on line at all! You are going to get a ton of phone calls from agents who will promise you the world and come through on none of it!
If possible, try to find a local agent. But, in health insurance, that can be hard. Not all insurance agents sell it and even some that do, they are not all that good in it because it is not what they do a lot of. You need to find an agent that works only in health and if not only, then at least a large part of their business is health. Now, if you do hear of someone from out of town, or someone recommends an agent out of town, I would trust that because you won't be "applying" on line. You can work with them through email and phone.
OK, now to the actual companies. Don't worry about finding someone who is "easy" to get insured with. You won't have a problem with that anyways, UNLESS you have a lot or a major preexisting condition! Reliable and Affordable are the 2 key things. I sold Mega/Midwest for a little while.....and DO NOT recommend them at all! Their plans have a lot of open areas that could cause you to lose a lot of money if something major should happen. I had every single client I wrote on them to switch after I looked into their policies more. Blue Cross/Anthem, reliable and a trust worthy company. Their downfall, cost. They can be MUCH more expensive and even if their rate starts low they tend to raise rates yearly. They do have one of the best maternity plans. Any clients of mine who know they want children, I recommend them. Otherwise, I don't think the rates are worth it. American Family, I'll say one thing...I have an American Family Agent himself who insured himself with one of my other companies because even he won't put his family on their medical plan! Assurant, probably the best plan for self-employed individuals. Rates are very reasonable but you have great coverage. They have rate guarantees for up to 3 years, WONDERFUL! And, they have a stop loss in their plans. My son was put in the Riley Children's Hospital last year, one day alone was $8,000. The second day was $6,000 and the 3rd day $12,000! MY out of pocket expense: $1,000. I always say, you don't get insurance because you want to use it, you don't get it for that once a year check up, you get it for that one day you hope never comes. How comforting to know that if that day does come, your family will be taken care of.
Good luck finding someone. If you find a plan/company and want an honest opinion from someone, I would be more than happy to help. There is nothing worse than not knowing a topic very well and having to put all your trust in someone else! You can email me at rkinsurancesales @ gmail . com.
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