วันศุกร์ที่ 15 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What is a good health insurance for children with special needs?

My son is on a feeding tube due to a small bowel transplant he received last year. My husband and I are returning to a full work schedule and our health insurance (Tricare) does not cover a nurse for him, or special daycare because his only special need is the feeding tube and the medication he receives through it. Apparently that's not enough. So is there a good company that I can purchase insurance through who will cover these types of things for him?

I'm sorry to hear about your son being in this condition.

There is not a company that will insure him to cover the medical problems that he has, that I know of. There are some which say they are guaranteed issue, and cover pre-existing conditions, but they are not Major Medical coverages, which you need.

You may google "Guaranteed Issue health Insurance" and take a look.

Contact the State Department of Health and Human Services. I'm sure you could get a medical card for him.

Best wishes, and God bless.

OK, the first thing - the best insurance for special needs children, or rather, the ONLY insurance you can get outside of your employer, would be Medicaid, through your state children's health insurance program. If you're stationed outside of the USA, I have no idea if/how it would work.

BUT, it's highly unlikely that a health insurance company is going to pay "long term care" type costs - which would include special needs daycare (heck, it doesn't pay ANY daycare!) or private nursing.

I think you should try having one of you stay at home with the child.

Hope this resources is useful for your question,It is working for me.Have a look,it is free.http://health-insurance.expert-tip.info/health-insurance-for-free.htm

I would think Medicaid would cover these things.

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